Former Seattle Seahawk Clint Gresham at Higher Ground!
We are excited to announce former Seattle Seahawk Clint Gresham will be joining us at Higher Ground!
You’ll hear Clint’s testimony during our morning session, then he’ll present a special Father-Teen breakout session!
Take a look at what we’ve got planned for Dads & Teens –
Becoming: Loving the Process to Wholeness
| presented by Clint Gresham |
Based on his best-selling book Becoming: Loving the Process to Wholeness, in this special Father-Teen breakout session Clint Gresham will share the process of his own faith journey and encourage young men to lean into God’s grace and faithfulness to build a life of resiliency and success, to overcome their own challenging circumstances and become all they were created by God to be.
Don’t Freak Out! Kids, Phones, Sex and What To Do
| presented by Mike Olson |
Back by popular demand, our highest rated presenter Mike Olson will unpack the newest data regarding phones and social media and the often scary technology changes and cultural influences pursuing our kids today. The session will inform and equip, allowing anyone to act with wisdom and control in the areas of phones, social media, apps, relationships and sexuality.
AND – We’ve got a very special breakout for Dads of Daughters:
Messages on Mirrors and Other Power Tools: Equipping You to be The Dad Your Daughter Needs
| presented by Dr. Michelle Watson, PhD |
In the eight years since I’ve been traveling from my planet of Venus to your planet of Mars, I’ve discovered that men would often rather do nothing than do it wrong. But it’s important to know that doing nothing is doing it wrong. And I know you want to do it right…so that’s where I come in! In this breakout session we’ll talk about some insider Venusian trade secrets that will help you more successfully connect with your daughter’s heart so you can put these action-oriented steps into practice. You’ll leave this workshop with practical tools for your fathering toolbox that will build your competence and increase your confidence.
Check out our special discounted pricing available for fathers & sons and for students.
Please share this with the dads, youth pastors and coaches in your networks! We’ll see you February 10, 2018 at Higher Ground! Hosted at Westminster Chapel, Bellevue, WA.
Higher Ground is the premier gathering of men of faith (age 13 & older) for encouragement, straight talk and practical tools for winning the battle for a man’s integrity – spiritually, sexually and socially. 2018 event features keynote speaker Brock Huard – host of the 710 ESPN Brock & Salk Show. and in-depth breakout sessions on authenticity & brotherhood, marriage enrichment, fatherhood, biblical manhood, sexual integrity, stress management and more.