About Prodigals International
The Higher Ground Men’s Conference is a ministry of Prodigals International.
Prodigals International is a non-profit Christian ministry focused on helping men, women and families find healing, hope, and redemption from the impact of sexual brokenness.
Founded in 2000, Prodigals’ vision is to bring lives and marriages effected by sexual addiction to restoration and renewal throughout the world. We desire to see every life and marriage restored after sexual addiction, through our groups, counseling and conferences.
Prodigals expanded their ministry and outreach in 2012 with the launch of the Higher Ground Men’s Conference. In its 10th year, Higher Ground seeks to bring the very best speakers and experts to encourage men of faith in their journey in regards to whole-life integrity, sexual wholeness, and the power that comes from living life in spiritual community and authentic relationship with God, their families and other men.